Three Ways Houses of Worship Can Prepare for Emergencies

Kara Stamets, Sr. Content Marketing Specialist, Alertus Technologies

Houses of worship face growing security threats and a unique balancing act: increase safety for their congregations while still offering a warm, welcoming space. Security managers within can use a mass notification system (MNS) as an important tool to prevent or mitigate violence within these vulnerable communities. This blog will discuss three ways houses of worship can prepare for emergencies with an MNS.

Make a Plan

Making a safety plan is critical to protecting your community members in houses of worship

Implementing or updating a preexisting safety plan is critical to the unique needs of your congregation. To develop or revise the safety plan, leadership should:

  • Identify potential emergencies like fires, natural disasters, and security threats based on past experiences or common scenarios.

  • Assess the size and layout of your facility and membership. 

  • Determine appropriate notification solutions that best fit the needs of your congregation (network-based, facility-based, outdoor, or mobile notification).

  • Establish a team to implement the security plan, develop preset alerts, and initiate notifications when an emergency occurs.

  • Test your system regularly and improve your system based on lessons learned during drills or real emergencies.


Extend notification reach within large congregations with an Alertus Alert Beacon and LED Marquee

Churches, mosques, synagogues, and other congregations draw large groups of people of all ages and abilities – some may leave their mobile phones at home or on silent mode during services and others may require special accommodations if they are deaf or hard of hearing. Extending your notification reach with audio-visual mass notification will ensure inclusivity and broaden communication reach in loud environments or areas lacking full PA coverage. The Alertus Alert Beacon®, a wall-mounted IP alerting device, delivers strobes, alert text, and audio that can be heard from several feet away. Paired with the LED Marquee, you will have peace of mind knowing that your message is getting heard and seen in widespread areas.

Leverage Existing Technology

Organizations can leverage existing technology while unifying their mass notification system with fire alarms systems.

With an MNS, congregations can unify existing security systems and IT assets to streamline communication. The Alertus System can be integrated with fire alarms, digital signage, and speaker systems, for example, to enable swift notification and evacuation in any kind of emergency. 

By developing and organizing a safety plan, assessing gaps in communication, and utilizing existing technology, you can protect your congregation members from harm via mass notification. Contact us to learn more about the Alertus System features, capabilities, and integrations for houses of worship. 


Leveraging Mass Notification for Nonprofits: Chesapeake Church

Alertus works with many nonprofit organizations to provide audible/visual alerting solutions. Chesapeake Church, an Alertus customer since March 2021 and a vibrant congregation based in Calvert County, Maryland, decided they needed an extra layer of security for their congregation.

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Audible and Visual Notification 

Incorporating audible and visual notifications helps to overcome challenges such as loud environments, areas with high volumes of visitors, and buildings without existing PA systems, to ensure you reach those with auditory impairments.

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Kara Stamets