Choosing the Right Panic Buttons for your Organization

Organizations of all sizes face growing safety concerns as reports of active shooters, intruders, and workplace violence increase. It’s critical to equip staff with the ability to call for help and get a quick response from security personnel and first responders.

Every organization – from healthcare and industrial facilities to K-12 schools and university campuses – has unique security needs based on its physical layout, employee and visitor makeup, and existing technology infrastructure. These points should be taken into account when selecting panic button solutions for your institution. 

Alertus offers a wide variety of panic buttons, including hardwired, USB, WiFi, and software options, to help organizations prepare for any situation and offer peace of mind to staff that they can get help when they need it, where they need it.

Ideal for emergency operation centers, customizable push buttons allow you to instantly activate pre-set alerts from the Alertus System. Wall-mounted with a lift cover, the devices offer multiple colors, light display options, and custom text. Users can easily alert first responders and activate notifications to integrated products. Learn more.

Desktop Activator

Software that extends panic button features to any computer or workstation is ideal for front desk/reception areas. Offering scenario hotkey and task tray icons, users can trigger alerts when their screen is locked – no login required. Learn more.


A discreet, under-the-counter device with flexible one-touch incident reporting or system activation. Available in a single or multi-button design. Learn more.

WiFi Panic Button 

Ideal for K-12 schools, hospitals, and industrial facilities, pocket-sized WiFi Panic Buttons empower staff to get help when and where they need it. Enabled to send location, responders can ensure assistance gets there faster. No additional infrastructure investment is required. Now available for preorder, arriving in early 2023.  Learn more.

Alertus Mobile Apps

The Alertus Mobile Recipient App allows end users to receive push notifications from the Alertus System. It also offers a panic button feature so users can quickly and easily send incident reports to emergency managers. Learn more.

VoIP Phones

Designed for emergency alerting, VoIP phone notification lets you send an emergency notification to all (or select) VoIP desk phones in your facility. Perfect for leveraging existing VoIP technology investments. Learn more.

Alertus panic buttons offer superior flexibility, allowing you to configure them for first responder notification or full mass notification system activation. All Alertus panic button devices integrate with the Alertus suite of emergency mass notification products and many third-party solutions. 

Contact us to start designing a customized panic button solution to fit your organizational needs. 

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Maya Barak