Mass Notification for Chemical Manufacturing Facilities
Even with safety procedures in place, accidents and unpredictable emergencies are bound to occur within a high-risk and high-paced chemical manufacturing environment. Are you able to quickly reach all facility workers for critical communications?
Spreading awareness during a crisis can be challenging for large, widespread chemical manufacturing facilities like yours. Paired with loud machinery, the chances of reaching everyone with timely communication are low.
Fortunately, mass notification technology has evolved to overcome these unique communication challenges, keep your chemical manufacturing community safe, and minimize production disruptions.
Implementing a Comprehensive Solution
With a comprehensive mass notification solution like the Alertus System, you can rapidly disseminate critical information to your entire facility for any circumstance — from severe weather to hazardous chemical exposure. The Alertus System easily integrates with your existing communication system to create a multilayered, seamless emergency response.

Common use cases for Chemical Manufacturing environments:
Chemical Exposure. If not addressed immediately, chemical spills, burns, and inhalation can be extremely harmful and dangerous. The Alertus System allows you to alert everyone about the exposure and provide clear instructions on how to proceed.
Severe Weather. Don’t rely on severe weather warnings from a weather radio or mobile device. The Alertus ThreatWatcher tool lets you broadcast real-time weather updates and up-to-the-minute, site-specific warnings from AccuWeather SkyGuard®, Severe Weather Warnings, and the NWS.
Facility Accidents & Injuries. Working with heavy, powerful machinery can lead to critical facility accidents and injuries. The Alertus System mitigates harm and significantly reduces emergency response times by activating all emergency endpoints with a click of a button.
Innovative Communication Tools
Alertus offers a variety of innovative notification devices, such as the ones featured below, for critical and non-critical communication with all or select groups throughout your chemical manufacturing facility.
The Alert Beacon
Capture attention from a distance with bright strobes and clear emergency tone sounders. Display a message about the emergency and how to appropriately respond.
Alertus LED Marquees
& Digital Signage
Override existing displays with customized, full-screen alert messages.
Outdoor Warning Systems
Rapidly deploy intelligible emergency communications and announcements via giant voice systems like the Alertus High Power Speaker Arrays (HPSA) and the Alertus Mobile High Speaker Array (HPSA) with Text-to-Speech technology capability.
Activation Buttons
Instantly activate the Alertus System at the push of a button with Alertus’ one-step activation options, including hardwired buttons, USB buttons, wireless buttons, and software buttons.
Additional Resources
Blog: Emergency Communication Challenges and Solutions for Manufacturing Facilities
Case Study: Lake City Army Ammunition Plant
Video: Alertus’ Industrial and Manufacturing Mass Notification Solutions