Alertus Cable TV Override
Display full-screen emergency notifications on cable televisions
Alertus Technologies' Cable Television Override complements existing public address systems to help ensure consistent, written emergency communications are delivered across your facility, especially in loud areas.
Cable TVs are transformed in seconds into an internal enterprise emergency alert system by overriding all screens and channels with attention-grabbing, full-screen notifications. Alerts can be easily updated and remain actively displayed for a designated period or until canceled.

Alertus Cable TV Override Key Features
Immediate: Rapidly deploy and launch on-screen notifications via the Alertus Activation Console software from any computer or mobile device
Customizable: Override existing display with a customized, full-screen alert message
Flexible Display Modes: Utilize partial-screen or full-screen notifications
Personalization: Alerts can display your organization’s logo, organizational identity, and system name (only available if using a PC-based configuration)
Integrated: Software designed to integrate with external devices, including the wall-mounted Alert Beacon®, most LCD screens, LED marquees, and digital media displays
Visual Notification
Relying on audible notifications alone can leave large segments of your organization’s population without adequate detail or instructions for how to respond during an emergency.
The cable TV override can help ensure the integrity of messages in loud areas. It is also an effective way to alert those who may be deaf or hard of hearing.
Cable TV Override Integration
The Alertus System allows users to initiate cable TV override through various Alertus solutions, including:
As Alertus continually introduces new features like the integration with the digital displays and desktop pop-ups, the system gets even more powerful. But no matter how much we integrate with the system, it’s still essentially a one-button solution.
Cable TV Override Specifications & Capabilities
Notification points periodically check in with the server to determine whether an alert has been initiated and whether devices are active or disabled.
Once the system has initiated and acknowledged an alert, the Alertus System can disseminate an active alert to numerous endpoints, including cable TV override.
Cable TV override can only override analog television channels (not digital ones).
Emergency alerts override the entire screen of every channel.
The system can also override some specific channels generated on-site, such as a university-specific channel that gets added to the institution’s cable feed internally.
Override equipment must be installed at one critical point before splitting the analog signal. The system can be configured in several ways, depending on an organization's needs.
Additional Resources
Datasheet: Cable TV Override
On-Demand Webinar: Digital Signage & Cable TV Override: Solving Your Visual Notification Challenges
Product Demonstration: Alertus Cable TV Override Demo