Posts by Caroline Kilday
2019 Great ShakeOut Drill-Be Prepared with Alertus Technologies

It is important to have peace of mind that you, your employees, and organization are prepared to withstand and survive an earthquake. Join millions of participants on October 17th, for the 11th annual Great ShakeOut Drill. This is slated to be the largest ever earthquake drill of its kind ever attempted!

This drill is a great opportunity not only to practice a “Drop, Cover, and Hold On” drill, but also to test your Alertus Mass Notification System, to ensure your organization is prepared in the event of an earthquake. 

Here are some proposed steps you can take to prepare your organization for the drill.

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Caroline Kilday
The Alertus Emergency Preparedness Grant Program

As Alertus has grown, so has our desire to reach local and international communities that are insufficiently prepared for an emergency or disaster event. That is why we have launched our Safe in Seconds Initiative to provide an emergency preparedness grant valuing up to $75,000 to selected members of association partners annually.  

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Caroline Kilday
Alertus Technologies and the University of Texas at Austin Seminar Recap: Exploring Best Emergency Preparedness Practices

Collaboration and networking filled the air at Alertus’ latest seminar at the University of Texas this past July, where emergency preparedness practices were at the forefront of the discussion. Four leaders in emergency preparedness, hailing from varying industries, gathered together to discuss different tools and tips that organizations can leverage to prepare for emergencies successfully.

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Caroline Kilday
A Comprehensive Guide for the Best Panic Button for Your Organization

Panic buttons (or duress buttons) offer a quick, single point of activation solution for your mass notification system. Alertus offers a variety of panic button options that leverage existing infrastructure and communication paths for immediate, one-step activation of your emergency alerts.

Below, we have compiled a comprehensive guide to which panic buttons will best fit the emergency communications needs for your organization, school, hospital, or facility. 

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Caroline Kilday
Workplace Violence: The Impact of Mass Notification Systems on Business Continuity and Your ROI

Violence in the workplace has become an epidemic. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, homicides accounted for 10 percent of all workplace fatalities in 2016. The Office of Victims of Crime Statistics reported that the number of mass shootings occurring in the past ten years is 2.4x greater than a decade prior (1998-2007). The frequency and severity of these events have escalated, with an average of 2 million people directly affected a year.

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Caroline Kilday
Using MNS for Internal Communication

Your organization made the smart choice to invest in a Mass Notification System for emergency and critical communication. There’s no reason to stop there, however. Many mass notification systems can also be leveraged for internal communications, from network outages to general company announcements.

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Caroline Kilday
5 Emergency Notification Tips for Effective Crisis Communication in Government Facilities

When you’re experiencing an emergency, it is imperative that you reach everyone, everywhere with timely and clear alerts. Communication isn’t always easy, especially in most high-traffic government facilities. Emergency professionals have to deal with a lot of moving parts - staff, contractors, visitors, and more. This is where Emergency Notification Systems (ENS), (also often referred to as Mass Notification Systems or MNS), can help.

Here are five ways ENS can instantly improve crisis communication in your government facility.

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Caroline Kilday
Tips to Reduce your Emergency Response Times

Making sure that you reach everyone, everywhere with immediate and critical information is crucial to mitigating loss and confusion during an emergency event. A Mass Notification System (MSN) that is designed to alert your institution or enterprise by leveraging all existing available infrastructure and IT assets, is vital to reducing your emergency response times.

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Caroline Kilday
4 Tips for Better School Safety

Educators play a significant part in the lives of our children, and as time has progressed, we’ve seen educators’ responsibility to both teach our children and keep them safe grow increasingly challenging. Below, you’ll find four major tips to help you evaluate your school’s safety and implement changes to improve your campus.

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Caroline Kilday
Choose Safety This National School Choice Week

It’s National School Choice Week 2019! This is the time of year where families participate in thousands of information sessions, open houses, school fairs, and celebrations all over the country to help inform them about the different K-12 schooling options available. And there is really so much to consider; location, the qualifications of the teaching staff, the quality of school lunches, etc. With the increase in school shootings and other violent events, the quality of a school’s crisis management and response is definitely at the forefront of most parents minds. After all, how can a child focus on learning if their basic need for safety isn’t met?

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Caroline Kilday
Alertus Virtual Seminar Recap: Roadmap from Preparedness to Recovery

The Alertus Webinar Series brought together four emergency experts to take our audience on a journey throughout the entire emergency response scenario. These emergency experts provided valuable tools and knowledge into emergency preparedness, emotional recovery, business continuity, and more, to help organizations properly prepare for and address any emergency.

  • Preparing: Addressing Common Mistakes From the Planning Stage Before It’s Too Late

  • During: Crisis Communication: Initial Response Through Recovery

  • Business Continuity: Active Shooter Security Risk Assessments - Lessons from Parkland, Annapolis and Jacksonville Shootings

  • Emotional Support: Terror in the Workplace: Mental Health Lessons Learned from Recent Attacks

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Caroline Kilday
Understanding Alertus System Security

The Alertus Emergency Mass Notification System is an industry-leading, powerful, and flexible solution. For over a decade, we’ve seamlessly integrated with and provided potentially life-saving alerts across organizations’ existing infrastructures and technologies, including desktop computers, PA systems, VoIP phones, digital signage, mobile devices, fire panels, and more.  We pride ourselves on our ability to help you defend against physical attacks, but did you know that we work equally as hard to make sure our system is safe from cyber-attacks?

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Caroline Kilday