Building Safety Month Recap

As the end of Building Safety Month approaches, it’s essential to continue to stress the safety of the spaces where we all live, work, and play. Throughout May, we shared multiple resources for how Alertus can ensure everyone in your organization gets the right message at the right time, every time.

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Kat Wilkerson
Protecting Natural Resources for Future Generations: Earth Day

Earth Day has become a leading light in combating climate change, raising awareness of environmental issues, and providing a forum for people to get involved. Still, our emergency preparedness, relief, and resiliency must be environmentally conscientious. Read further to understand why responsibly responding to global emergencies is essential.

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Kat Wilkerson
Three Steps Healthcare Institutions Can Take to Respond Faster in Emergencies

Healthcare facilities must plan and prepare for sudden emergencies like active shooters, disgruntled visitors or patients, and weather-related disasters. To respond appropriately to these types of crises, a unified mass notification system (MNS) can save time by distributing notifications quickly to all intended audiences. Read on as we provide three steps healthcare organizations can take to respond faster in any type of emergency by leveraging an MNS.

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Kara Stamets
National Tsunami Awareness Week: How to Prepare

As we close out National Tsunami Awareness week, raising awareness and ensuring your organization has an emergency preparedness plan for this natural disaster is still essential. Read on to discover protocols and solutions you can implement to ensure the safety of your community.

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Kat Wilkerson