Alertus Donates Over $250,000 to School Safety in 2020

By Ryan McGonigle, Director of Philanthropy at Alertus Technologies

Since initiating the Alertus Philanthropy department in 2019, Alertus Technologies has donated over $250,000 in grants through its Emergency Preparedness Grants and Safe In Seconds Initiative!

Alertus Emergency Preparedness Grants Program

The Alertus Emergency Preparedness Grants Program helps reduce barriers for schools by providing them with free hardware and software solutions to enhance their emergency preparedness strategies. Alertus has collaborated with national, regional, and local education associations to reach high-risk and high-need schools across the country. 

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“The number one question our association gets is about emergency alerting,” said Tom Saccenti, President of the National Association of Campus Safety Administrators. 

Adam Lustig, the National School Board Association (NSBA) Director of the Center for Safe Schools, added, “With a shared vision of improving safety infrastructure and overall school safety, NSBA is excited to collaborate with Alertus to provide critical resources to our schools.”

Alertus Safe in Seconds Initiative 

The Safe In Seconds Initiative, previously known as the Alertus Desktop Donation Program, has provided over 700 non-profit organizations with the Alertus Desktop Notification™ tool. The Alertus Desktop Notification is designed to capture an intended recipient's attention immediately with a visible and easy-to-read desktop alert.  

2020 Achievements

Alertus’ Emergency Preparedness Grants Program and Safe in Seconds Initiative continues to grow each year. Take a look at some of the major achievements in 2020: 

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Safe in Seconds Applications
: 58 applications & 39 recipients

Emergency Grant Applications
: Over 22 schools across ten states  

Association Collaborators:

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National Association of Campus Safety Administrators (National)



Northeast Colleges and Universities Security Association (Regional)



California IT in Education (California)

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Technology Association of Oregon (Oregon)

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Texas Computer Education Association (Texas)

Emergency Grant Recipients

  • Southern Wesleyan University 

  • North Clackamas School District 

  • Moody School District 

  • Hamilton College 

  • Terra Bella Union Elementary School District

“This will be a game changer. As a small campus safety department with limited budget and manpower, we can now use this grant to supplement and leverage existing systems in order to provide a cohesive emergency alerting system,” said grant recipient Bradley Bowen, Director of Campus Safety at Southern Wesleyan University.

As we look forward to 2021, we hope to provide even more organizations with the emergency alerting tools needed to ensure everyone’s safety when it matters the most. 

Want to learn more? 

Associations interested in offering the Alertus Emergency Preparedness Grant may contact for more information.

To apply for the grant, applicants must be a registered non-profit organization or a government entity such as a school, library, or public agency. Priority will be given to high-risk and high-need organizations. 

Safe In Seconds - Alertus Desktop Notification™ tool

Alertus is offering the Alertus Desktop Notification to all schools, K-12 districts, and nonprofits for FREE! To apply or learn more, visit

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