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Navigating a COVID-19 Landscape: Featuring Alertus’ Virtual Seminar Speakers

By Stephanie Osorno, Marketing Copywriter at Alertus Technologies

The coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has brought a slew of unpredictable changes to a wide range of organizations over the past few months. Schools, colleges, businesses, healthcare organizations, government facilities, and much more have had to alter daily operations, adopt enhanced safety protocols, and transition to a virtual environment. 

Alertus’ recent virtual seminar — “Preparing for the Unpredictable with Mass Notification: Lessons Learned from 2020” —  provided extensive insight and tips on navigating this unpredictable, ever-changing COVID-19 landscape in 2021 and beyond. 

In this blog, we feature some of our seminar speakers who shared their 2020 lessons and experiences during the seminar.

Featured Speakers

George Economas, Executive Director- Corporate Security, Johns Hopkins Hospital

Seminar Session: Lessons Learned: Navigating through a COVID-19 Landscape

Michele Martin, Manager - Internal Communications and Strategic Priorities, Corporate Communications and Public Relations, London Health Sciences Centre

Seminar Session: Communication in a Dispersed Workplace

Dr. Grant Azdell, Vice President of Student Affairs & Dean of Students, Randolph-Macon College and Founder of Azdell-Morgan Organizational Management Solutions

Seminar Session: Adjusting to a New Normal - How to Ensure Safety for Your Organization

Vernell Shaheed-Levrone, Director of Public Safety, Community College of Baltimore County

Seminar Session: Lessons Learned: Navigating through a COVID-19 Landscape

Clifford Anderson - Director of Public Safety, Anoka Technical College

Seminar Session: Share Your Story: Overcoming COVID-19 Challenges

Why do you think this is such an important seminar topic — what is the value for viewers?

George: Now more than ever we need to be prepared for the effects of the prolonged response and restrictions due to COVID-19. As the virus continues to rapidly spread, more restrictions will be put in place. We need to be prepared for the effect this may have on individuals who have been experiencing some degree of mental illness and/or anxiety. There is the terrible possibility that someone in an unstable mental condition may act out violently because they have a loved one in the hospital during the holidays and are not allowed to visit.    

Michele: The global pandemic has affected us all. We have all had to be innovative, adaptive, and responsive to deal with COVID-19. This is a great opportunity to hear relatable experiences from others and take away ideas and actions that you can potentially implement in your workplace.

Dr. Grant: The pandemic has taken precedence during the past 8 months. In many ways, our eyes have been off-the-ball with regard to general safety protocols and procedures, as well as planning for safety. What has slipped between the cracks?

Vernell: The norm has changed in every industry and has left an impact on how things are perceived and creative ways of adjusting to the changes just to stay afloat. It’s important to hear fresh ideas as to how we have been forced to evolve given this new norm.

Cliff: It’s important to talk about CDC and MDH guidelines for each state. Organizations need to continue to refresh their sources as the guidance can often change daily. 

What kind of impact has COVID-19 had on your specific organization?

George: Working in healthcare, the answer would seem obvious, right? And if you said the impact on staff, you are right. This is a fight that healthcare providers have been fighting since late February and one that will continue for the foreseeable future. While there was a reprieve of sorts during the summer/early fall, the current resurgence and dire projections are putting demands on individuals who have been going at it for a solid 8 months.  

Michele: The Canadian health care system was challenged before COVID-19 and became further stressed as the cases increased. Hospitals had to balance caring for those with COVID and continuing to care for other patients while keeping staff and physicians safe.

Dr. Grant: A greater need to be able to track the movements of our employees and students and restrict access to certain locations.

Vernell: Transitioning to a telework and a combined on-line and in-class model. We have been forced to adopt new technologies in order to be successful.

Cliff: High levels of anxiety along with the unknowns of transmission with this virus. With a group that is 44% asymptomatic, our best screening tools will not detect folks who are carriers coming on campus. Having PPE, good hygiene plans, and social distancing are game changers regardless of location.

What did you most enjoy about the seminar? 

George: I enjoyed hearing from others, learning what their challenges are, and what some of their solutions have been. The goal was for everyone to walk away with something they can use to help make things that much safer, that much better at their place of employment, and better yet, in their personal lives.

Michele: Since the arrival of COVID-19 in early spring, there have been far less opportunities to learn and network with colleagues. Seminars such as this one provided a break in our day-to-day work to have time to focus on professional development.

Dr. Grant: A look at what kind of serendipitous changes have come about as a result of COVID-19 adjustments.

Vernell: I enjoyed hearing new ideas about what’s possible and how others have adjusted.

Cliff: I enjoyed community networking with like organizations within our same profession. Hearing frustrations or best practices was refreshing and useful to take back to our teams. We want this to end, but currently it seems like it has really turned catastrophic in positive cases.

Want to learn more about these industry experts and a few others?

Check out our seminar speaker highlight video!

You can also catch the on-demand seminar replay at