Alertus Technologies

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National Preparedness Month Recap: September 2023

As we wrap up National Preparedness Month, preparing for emergencies should be a continual and year-long goal to keep our communities, facilities, and schools safe. Throughout September, we shared numerous resources to improve the effectiveness of your organization’s emergency preparedness.


Our Top Picks: One-Touch Activation Solutions for k-12 Teachers & Staff

Safety technology for schools continues to evolve, and the need for heightened security grows daily. Read on to learn more about our top picks for one-touch activation solutions for K-12 schools and who should use them.

UNC-Chapel Hill Successfully activates Alertus System in Response to Campus Shooting

In August, a shooting was reported at UNC-Chapel Hill, which prompted university leadership to activate Alert Carolina sirens and emergency notifications to students and staff. UNC-Chapel Hill implemented the Alertus System for emergency activation and response in 2018.

4 Ways to Avoid Disaster RESPONSE burnout

Due to outdated processes, people have become desensitized by frequent and broad warnings. These inefficient approaches have led to overcommunication for incidents that don’t rise to the level of “emergency.” Learn how Alertus’ innovative design can help proactively plan and better prepare for emergencies while decreasing the chances of alert fatigue.

The Importance of HIGH POWER Audio for Severe Weather Alerting

With major weather events increasing in frequency and intensity, communities must consider incorporating effective outdoor warning systems as part of their mass notification approach in order to mitigate harm.


How to Choose the RIght panic button solutions for your k-12 Community

Explore a wide variety of devices on the market – from wearable WiFi and Bluetooth panic buttons to USB and hardwired activation devices – and why it’s important to identify the solutions that meet your school’s or district’s unique needs.


Emergency Preparedness Assessment

Examine the areas of focus below to improve the effectiveness of your organization’s emergency preparedness.

Back to campus safety

An emergency preparedness plan designed for various circumstances – from natural disasters to student violence – is crucial in ensuring on-site safety. Here are some tips on heightening school-wide awareness and minimizing operational disruption.

Phases of emergency management

Disasters, emergencies, and other crises don’t occur conveniently, so organizations must be better prepared.

What to look for in a mass notification system

Emergency mass notification technology continues to evolve. Here’s how to ensure your organization can harness continuously changing capabilities and keep scaling.