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Leveraging Mass Notification for Nonprofits: A Q&A with Chesapeake Church

By Kara Stamets, Content Marketing Specialist at Alertus Technologies

Houses of worship, including churches, synagogues, and mosques, have been targets of attacks in recent years. Seconds matter during these dangerous situations, and it's vital to have a reliable mass notification system (MNS) in place so leadership can take swift action to keep members safe. Congregations may not have security personnel or only have them on-site on select days, so an added layer of protection is needed throughout the week.

Alertus works with a number of nonprofit organizations to provide audible/visual alerting solutions. Chesapeake Church, an Alertus customer since March 2021 and a vibrant congregation based in Calvert County, Maryland, decided they needed an extra layer of security for their congregation. The church offers arts and worship services, children’s ministry, community life events, a care center, a food pantry, groups and classes, and youth ministry. They also run a for-profit coffee shop that sees up to 250 visitors daily.

We spoke with Puna Miller, IT Staff Leader, to learn more about their need for an MNS.

What compelled the church to seek out a comprehensive mass notification system?

We were missing a consistent and reliable alert system to keep folks safe throughout the week, and not just on Sunday Service,” said Miller. “We needed a supplementary alert system for day-to-day staff, our for-profit coffee shop, and children’s ministry.”

Did your organization already have an emergency notification system in place?

"Yes, we had a rudimentary security system in place," said Miller.

Why did you choose Alertus for your emergency notification needs?

“While researching vendors, we determined that Alertus would be the best system to fit our needs,” said Miller.

How has the Alertus System benefited Chesapeake Church?

“The Alertus System provides a much-needed extra layer of security during the week,” said Miller. “We have a very active campus, with 45 staff members and contractors, and about 250 visitors a day in our coffee shop.”

What Alertus products do you have installed?

“We have the Alert Beacon®, Alertus Desktop Notification™, four USB Panic Buttons, and VoIP Phone Notification,” said Miller. “The products have integrated well and provide added security.”

Have you used or activated the Alertus system in any emergency situations?

“We haven’t had to use the Alertus System in an emergency yet,” said Miller.

Why do you think having a mass notification solution is so important for organizations such as Chesapeake?

“Protect our greatest asset: the people,” said Miller.