Posts by Kara Stamets
Why It's Important to Use Redundant Activation Methods with your Distributed Recipient Mass Notification System (DRMNS)

Redundant Activation Methods with your Distributed Recipient Mass Notification System (DRMNS) technology offers powerful alerting and activation capabilities under normal circumstances, but it’s critical to have another reliable front-end activation method so you can ensure everyone gets important notifications – even if the internet is down.

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Kara Stamets
Preparing Your Organization for Wildfire Season

May is National Wildfire Awareness Month, an annual dedication to prevention and awareness. As we close out the month, it is a critical time to ensure that your organization is ready for the season ahead. Wildfires spread extremely fast, so every second counts to protect your employees if a wildfire is approaching your facility.

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Kara Stamets
Enhance Front Desk Defense with a Mass Notification System

Because front desk employees serve as an organization’s first line of defense, they should be prepared to quickly identify and respond to emergencies or suspicious activity. To strengthen security, organizations should consider installing a mass notification system that can be activated or used to alert appropriate parties directly and discreetly from the front desk.

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Kara Stamets