Alertus Technologies

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The Alertus Emergency Preparedness Grant Program

By Ryan McGonigle, Director of Philanthropy at Alertus Technologies

As Alertus has grown, so has our desire to reach local and international communities that are insufficiently prepared for an emergency or disaster event. That is why we have launched our Safe in Seconds Initiative to provide an emergency preparedness grant valuing up to $75,000 to selected members of association partners annually.  

“Working with Association partners provides us with a great platform to reach local communities across the United States that want and need to strengthen their emergency preparedness,” said Ryan McGonigle, Director of Philanthropy at Alertus. “We’re excited to take our philanthropy initiatives to the next stage with organizations that share our commitment to improving community safety.” 

We created the Safe In Seconds Initiative to help reduce barriers for these organizations by providing free hardware and software solutions to enhance their emergency preparedness strategies. This program extends the Alertus Desktop Donation program, which to date has provided over 700 non-profit organizations across the world with the Alertus Desktop Notification tool. Now in partnership with multiple associations, Alertus will expand its Grants Program to support more organizations in need across the United States. 

These emergency grant partners include the National Association of Campus Safety Administrators (NACSA), the Northeast Colleges and Universities Security Association (NECUSA), and Peace Officers For Christ (POFC). Committed to providing emergency preparedness solutions to those who need it most, these partners will offer the Alertus Grant to K-12 public schools, universities, and churches across the country.

“We are excited Alertus has partnered with NECUSA to offer this amazing program. This shows Alertus’ commitment to the higher education community and to the students and employees who attend and work at these institutions,” said Chris Lloyd, President of NECUSA and Director, Office of Safety & Security at Cairn University. “As a network of security professionals, we strive to provide the safest space possible for our respective campuses. By partnering with a premier security provider like Alertus, NECUSA has just taken the next step forward in achieving this goal for our members. We cannot thank Alertus enough for their commitment to NECUSA and the Higher Ed community.”

“The number one question our association gets is about emergency alerting,” said Tom Saccenti, President of NACSA. “We have found several members, particularly smaller institutions have multiple systems in place to manage their mobile safety application, mass notification, digital display alerting and panic alarms. The beauty of Alertus is that they tie this entire system into one, affordable product making it the perfect solution for these campuses.”

To apply for the grant, applicants must be a registered non-profit organization or a government entity such as a school, library, or public agency. Priority will give to high risk and high need organizations. 

NECUSA members can apply for the Alertus Grant via the NECUSA website at Accepting Applications: September 2nd to November 1st, 2019

POFC members can apply for the Alertus Grant via the POFC website at Accepting Applications: September 2nd to December 31st, 2019

NACSA members can apply for the Alertus Grant via the NACSA website at

Accepting Applications: September 2nd to December 31st, 2019

Alertus Emergency Preparedness Grants

Associations interested in offering the Alertus Emergency Preparedness Grant may contact for more information.