A Day of Learning & Enlightenment at SAIT
“I just want to thank all of you. I didn’t realize how much was going on every day to keep us safe, to keep my children safe,” proclaimed a gratified seminar goer to the room. We all quickly agreed as the morning had been filled with discussion and collaboration regarding all aspects of emergency preparedness and management at the Emergency Preparedness Seminar, hosted by Southern Alberta Institute of Technology in Calgary last week.
Keynote speaker, Suzanne Bernier of SB Crisis Consulting, led the discussion with an enlightening and emotional look at what happens once the shooting stops. Suzanne’s work with survivors from San Bernardino, Orlando, and Edmonton fueled the discussion around the importance of a plan, not only to prevent and deal with an active shooter situation but to recover from one. Her presentation was rich with survivor stories and to-dos to help organizations put the right plans in place.
Alertus’ own Miles Harriger, Director of Higher Education Sales, followed Suzanne with an in-depth look at implementing the Alertus System, integration with existing infrastructure, and the latest notification technology. Attendees were given an interactive experience by going up to the front and activating the system for themselves.
Attendees had the opportunity to engage and ask questions as the panel discussion looked at what happens during a lockdown from both the facility and police point-of-views.
Linda Hui, from The University of Alberta, gave a use case presentation complete with all of the tips and tricks they’ve learned on how to create processes and alert templates, and when and where to send emergency alerts to their students.
An interactive panel discussion on lockdown situations led by Dan Bilodeau, National Sales Manager of Delco Automation closed out the day’s sessions. The panel featured members of Calgary and SAIT’s police force.
Alertus would like to thank our hosts, SAIT and Delco Automation, our speakers for their wonderful presentations, and our amazing panelists for their insight.
For more information about the Alertus Seminar Series and to find information about upcoming events, visit www.alertus.com/events. We hope to see you next time!